Checkpoint… Time to take stock on this Journey…

rose-03-june.gifThe meeting did not go as scheduled, but the trade is still going through. 

At this point, I wanted to go back over this whole journey, in case anyone’s reading this… as well as for my own reflection.

Last summer, I started with my old little black phone.  It seemed that this journey would never even begin, because of the constant negativity I got from other people… but then that ONE man, Chris from Hawaii, made all the difference.  It just goes to show you that one person CAN make a difference.  Chris did, giving me a boost when I needed it, and now, 7 trades later, I’ve met some very cool people, and I’d like to think I’ve helped people along towards their Own goals. 

There was Anna, the Medical intuitive, who was depressed that she had NO interest in anyone buying her house, but since we “met” (she’s in Maryland, & I’m in Georgia), I’ve been helping her advertise her house, and have generated a lot of interest for her.  So, not only did she help me in my journey, but I’ve helped her in hers.  And… if the house sells by someone I’ve found, that will help me still MORE, due to the commision she has agreed to pay me.

Then there was Sojourner… who’s dream of being a professional facilitator did not start to get going until we made our trade, at the start of the year.  Now, as she puts it, she’s really pumped up and jazzed about it. 

And, now, there is Lisa… who has just been trying to get her name out there more as a Psychic.  Working with a Facilitator will do her a lot of good. 

Between meeting these last 2 women, I’ve found a well of inspiration.  They are both such wonderful, caring, open minded, supportive friends… and I am thankful. 

The question is now…. where to next for Trade #8? 

I’ve experienced corresponding with people from different states, and Hawaii & even Canada….  I’ve been able to get the opportunity to work on selling someone’s house again, which I’m pretty good at.  I’ve met a wonderful friend in Canada, who is exposing me to the mysteries of secret societies.  I’ve been able to listen to the voice of Aleister Crowley, reading poetry he wrote back in the early 1900’s….  And now I’ve met someone who’s going to help me regain the psychic abilities I lost after my car wreck.  I’ll then be able to fullfill my purpose… and be happier, and be able to help those in need.  All on the way to reaching the home of my dreams, for myself & Terry. 

The key to this is Intention….

Before the Aleister CD, I thought… “I’d really like to find something cool, interesting, a tad gothic…” While promoting Aleister, I didn’t have as clear a focus… and I ended up with both an offer from my now-friend Darrin from Canada (which was artwork that never got here) and an offer from someone for a rice cooker.  I still wanted something artistic…. and so the rice cooker brought me the rice paper painting!  Again, I didn’t have a firm focus…. but the thought of a psychic was in the back of my mind.  Then along came the Medical Intuitive.  Ok…. so now things were getting interesting… but I wanted to have the trades moved back to an area more local for me.  After mailing things to different states and Canada, I wanted to save on postage for a while.  This was when I got an offer from a Dynamic Facilitator just 13 miles down the road from me!  Again… this woman has a bit of a psychic ability… so that lingering thought came out of the back of my mind and began to reside right in the forefront of my thoughts.  Now is when I’ve found Lisa…. a great psychic investigator and medium.

At this point, I’d like to get away from services for a while.  So, the person I’m looking for who is in need of a psychic will be someone who wants to trade me something truly lovely and romantic for this month…. The month of lovers.  The birds will soon be partnering up for the nesting of spring.  Animals all over are beginning to couple up, to bring new life into the world this spring.  So, yes… something truly romantic is what I’m seeking at this point.

Please leave your trade offers here at this site.

~ by Erin McRaven-Cass on February 10, 2007.

One Response to “Checkpoint… Time to take stock on this Journey…”

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